New Youth Members


You have taken the first step to joining the Coomera Scout Group. So where to from here?
This page is designed to provide the parents and/or guardians of a new member all of the information that they require, and the processes involved in joining Scouting.

New Members are requested to email our Group Leader prior to attending a meeting night.

Step One - Initial Contact

Please email our Group Leader Roddrick Ellison 'Gecko':
Gecko will confirm the correct Section that your child is eligible to enter, based upon their age.

Please note that Scouts Queensland will allow members to remain in a Section beyond the maximum current age.
Conditions apply, with initial applications for extensions reviewed and approved by our District Commissioner.

You may find that our Group has no vacancies in a Section.
This may be based upon adult member to youth member ratios as set by Scouts Australia, or that particular Section is already operating at capacity.
If we don't have a position available, we will provide you with further options.

Step Two - First Night Attendance

Prior to attending your first FREE meeting night, you will be required to complete an F6 Non-Member Activity Advice.
This form is a fillable PDF, and can be completed, signed and returned via email, with no requirement for printing.
We recommend the use of Adobe Fill & Sign. We will also accept these forms printed, signed and returned on the first night.

Step Three - First Night Follow Up

Gecko will liaise with you and your child after the first night, to confirm that they wish to join.

Step Four - Membership Application

Parents, Guardians, or Caregivers will be provided with a link to the on-line Membership Application portal contained with the Scouts Queensland website.
Scouts Queensland will send an automated email to our Group Leader confirming the application is available for review and approval.
Our Group Leader also has the ability to decline an application, if the applicant has not made prior contact with the Group.

Step Five - Initial Membership Fees

Scouts Queensland will issue an invoice directly to the new member via email. Payment options include direct deposit or credit card (via Stripe).
Payment is required within 28 days. Non-payment will result in the automatic resignation of the new member.
The fee is based upon the month of joining, and is only paid ONCE.

Please note that 99% of future payments will be made to Coomera Scout Group. Our account details are provided on each invoice.
We do not accept cash, with our preferred method of payment to be via direct deposit. We request that our invoice number is recorded for all payments.
We also accept payments via the Stripe on-line payment portal.
Scouts Queensland charge a Bi-annual Membership Renewal Fee, due in March and September each year.
Our Group will issue an invoice within Term 1 and Term 3 for these fees.

Full details on the fee structure is available from our Fees link.

Step Six - Uniform

Parents and/or guardians are required to purchase a Section-specific uniform shirt prior to their youth member being invested.
All uniform items are available from The Scout Shop.
The link for this item is contained within the top menu bar - marked Uniform.
Parents and/or guardians can purchase a uniform shirt, Queensland youth scarf and Queensland woggle, without the requirement to log-in or create an account.
Shirt badges are provided from Group funds upon investiture.
Further information and images are available from our Uniform link.

Step Seven - Investiture

The investiture ceremony is the time when a Scout, by means of the words of the Scout Promise, publicly announces their commitment to the Scout Law.
It is once the candidate has made the promise that they are now a Scout. The investiture is the beginning of a special time in a young person's life.
We welcome your attendance & photography skills at your child's Investiture.
The timing of an Investiture Ceremony is at the discretion of our Section Leaders, and will normally occur four to six weeks after the first meeting night.

Why should the youth members have all the fun?

Are you looking for adventure as well?
Check out our Leaders & Adult Members page, for information on how you can join as well.
All Groups are staffed by volunteers, and we would love to have you on board!

Coomera Scout Group

General information and images on this page © Scouts Queensland and Scouts Australia .
The views expressed in this website are not necessarily those of Scouts Australia.